Sunday, September 09, 2007

Feed Burner

If you publish a blog, you publish a feed. A feed is the format that allows your content to be delivered (and subscribed to) on the Web.

Why a Burned Feed is Better than a Not-Burned Feed

You blog because [your reason here] and FeedBurner can help you do that better.

  1. Publicize your content and make it easy for people to subscribe.
  2. Optimize distribution so that your content is properly formatted for all of the major directories and can be consumed by subscribers wherever they are.
  3. Analyze your traffic to learn how many subscribers you have, where they're coming from and what they like best.
  4. Make Moneyitize by participating in the FeedBurner Ad Network. Why not reward yourself for your effort?

Trick Out Your Feed With These Cool Services

The following services are all FREE, including those with the fancy badge (Read more about these PRO services in the blog post.)


Create awareness for your feed, make it sing and dance


Ensure your feed displays correctly, manage traffic spikes


Track and monitor usage patterns, trends, etc.


Kick your content off the couch and put it to work


Automatically notify directories and web-based aggregators when you publish new content in your feed. Learn more…

Email Subscription

Give subscribers the convenience of receiving your feed content updates via email. Learn more…


Put your feeds front and center. Serve them from your own domain.

Learn more…


Have feed, will travel. BuzzBoost republishes your burned feed's content as go-anywhere HTML.
Learn more…

Chicklet Chooser

Take the mystery out of subscribing to a feed! Offer easy-to-use subscription buttons directly on your site.

(Chicklet Chooser now includes a time-saving “AutoCopy” feature just for TypePad users!)

Headline Animator

Promote the most recent content in your feed using this compact, dynamically generated graphic.
Learn more…


Publicize your circulation statistics directly on your blog (or anywhere else you can post HTML).


Give your subscribers easy ways to email, tag, share, and act on the content you publish. Learn more…


Reach the widest possible audience by making sure your feed works in any reader. Learn more…


Be kind to users who view your feed in a browser. Inform them about your feed’s content and offer options for easier subscription.


Enable any feed for podcasting from any blogging tool or platform.
Learn more…

Link and Photos Splicers

Combine collected feeds and photos from, Flickr and other services.

FeedBurner Stats

Free analytics offering for blogs, Web sites and feeds of all kinds. With free PRO services, you can also learn which content items are heavily read and how they affect circulation, and understand how widely content is syndicated. Learn more…

All FeedBurner Stats features explained…

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